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Writer's pictureGuylaine Richer de Lafleche

Finding Love in My Shadow

I was on the phone with my mum when I spotted a little love in my shadow. This is a beautiful image on its own but for me it hits a little deeper. If I’m being honest, 2021 was one of the hardest years for me thus far. I can’t begin to describe the trials and tribulations I’ve had to face this past year. It felt like I couldn’t catch a break - except for that time I broke three of my toes! Everything that was happening around me had felt like a fault of my own or that I was being punished for being me. I tried to find meaning in it all but instead I found myself starting to question everything - my faith, my dreams, the point of life, who I am as a person, and everything in between. Looking back on it all, it feels like a bad dream.

As a dreamworker, I know it’s important in times like these to turn to my dreams for help, although most days it felt too hard. Somewhere along the line I got a little too caught up in examining my ‘shadow’ and I began to really hate myself. The shadow is a Jungian archetype and in short, it represents the parts of ourselves that we repress or we don’t want to admit to having — the ‘dark-side’ of our personalities. You can identify your shadow in your dreams as an intruder, something/someone chasing you, or the quality of a person you don’t like.

Facing our shadow with love and understanding is one of the most human things we can do. When working with the shadow it’s important to gently observe and recognize these parts of ourselves, in order to understand how to manage them. It will do you no good to look at your shadow characteristics and hate yourself or to blame yourself for not attracting the life you desire, much like I was doing to myself. Life simply doesn’t work that way and neither does the shadow.

I wish I could say that on January 1, 2022, I woke-up a changed woman and this year will be better than last, but we all know that’s not the case. I’m the same person today that I was a few days ago, but now I can say that I will be entering the new year with a little more clarity, patience, and understanding for myself when handling the difficult situations that will inevitably come my way this new year.

I hope this picture and my words will be a reminder to find love in your shadow, even when it feels impossible.

Cheers to another year wiser!

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